» best friends


Man’s best friend?

Monday, July 31st, 2017

A cat using a dog as a bed

This gives new meaning to “Doggie Bed”

Rating 4.38 out of 5

Bestest friends foreber

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

two dogs hugging

Rating 3.67 out of 5

Sleep with one eye open…

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Little dog big friend

Rating 4.33 out of 5

Cuz everyone needs a big friend sometimes

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Cute kitten and big dog

Rating 4.40 out of 5

It’s a Jolly Holi-dog Celebration!

Sunday, December 26th, 2010


Rating 3.67 out of 5

Puppy playing with Racoon

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

You don’t see this too often.

Rating 2.50 out of 5

Dis my security blanket

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Smart kitty

Rating 4.77 out of 5